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The Farmer's Resilience


After the wrath of Varuna,

The sun was shining, the sky was clear,

A perfect day, at least he thought so.

No birds were singing in the sky,

No sprouts were smiling on the farm,

It wasn't even noon, and the clouds started laughing.

Not today, the farmer inside him cried,

Who was he to be listened? It was already written,

By the time of evening, it was yesterday all over again.

A cloudy sky, washed away the lights,

A downpour of doom, a deluge of despair,

It soaked the earth, and flooded the farms.

It was okay till then but,

Dam walls couldn't hold, all the hell broke loose,

A farmer broke I saw that night, he couldn't even cry.

The water rises, the land erodes,

The farmer stands, and watches in despair,

The crops are gone, leaving a broken man behind.

But even though the battle was lost,

The farmer knows, he must go on,

War is there to fight, surrendering is not an option

farmer in field with ox

He works day and night,

The land heals, even the earth feels,

The farmer knows he must be patient.

I see again, that missing smile, 

on the face of the farmer, my father.

The rain comes, land thrives,

A cycle of life, forever alive!


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