Shhhh don't pluck the flower, they are watching us. Father gently pushed away his son’s hand from flower and told. Who is watching us father? His four-year-old child asked out of curiosity. His father looked above; the sun was smiling even though it was 12 in noon in summer. He had seen unbearable days of summer. He smiled back to the sun and made glace all around his farm. He was a farmer, working on his field, happily. That was the first time he took his child with him to his farmland. His curious child, as any child of his age would be, kept on asking many questions. Why this plant is small and this is big father? Why we have so many pipes running on field? looking at dripper inserted drip irrigation pipe, he asked. He replied very informatively on all his questions. But for once, he stopped, thought a little and looked around before answering. He had seen better crop in his life than he was looking at now. But truth is, he had seen much worst years as well. Looking back a...
Life means to learn, let's learn from all things around.